This CD consists of Birds and Butterflies pictures.  They are great to use for any miscellaneous occasion.  It contains:

- 58 LARGE-SIZED PICTURES and 127 smaller matching images.  They are all high-resolution bmp images on white backgrounds that are excellent quality for printing and may be used to create your own greeting cards, used for scrapbooking, newsletters, bulletins, posters, flyers, etc.  (See samples of some of the pictures below)

- 58 IMAGES that may be used as WINDOWS DESKTOP WALLPAPER for your computer.  They are each sized at 800 x 600 and may also be used to create your own Websets or Email stationery for internet use.

- 58 TABLED (Layered) WEBSETS created at low resolution for use in the internet. Each set includes matching backgrounds, icons, buttons, guestbooks, etc. and HTML files so you may view them in your browser. Many of them are all new sets that have never been included in my site or used in the internet before.

(If you need to refer to the HTML codes for help in creating layered backgrounds, I have tried to make it a little easier by simplifying and adding notes of what you need to "copy and paste" into your own pages to make them work properly.)

ALL the pictures and websets in this CD have been created from my own artwork and may be purchased for the low price of $40.00 plus shipping and handling. (Please see the  Payment Page for Shipping Charges).

(You may see the * SPECIAL DEALS * that are offered for all the CD's on the Payment Page).

Because this CD contains all my own original artwork and has taken a tremendous amount of time to create, please read and respect my Terms Of Use  before purchase.  If you are in agreement with them, then please go on to the Forms Of Payment.  Thank you so very much for your help and your aid.  I am sure you will be very pleased with the CD.

Please feel free to email me for any assistance you many need or further clarification.  Once again, thank you.





Angels/Christian CD | Holidays 1 CD | Holidays 2 CD
Special Occasions CD | Roses CD | Flowers/Garden CD
Cute Animals CD | Still Life's CD | Wildlife CD | Scenery CD
Assorted CD

Terms Of Use | Payments | Order Form

Art Gallery | Linkware Websets | CD Purchases
 | Home | Email

Unless otherwise noted, Copyrights (c) are retained by Penny Parker on all existing art,
images and graphics located in this site.  All Rights Reserved.